Bad Moms is a comedy directed by Jon Lucas, and Scott Moore, starring Mila Kunis and Christina Applegate. A working mom(Mila) struggles to be perfect while raising her two kids and her man-child of a husband(David Walton). I'll keep this review spoiler free since it is a new release. While I did enjoy this movie, I saw it with my extremely Catholic mother, so it was a little rough to watch at times. It had some nudity, and as expected from an R-rated comedy, it had several F-bombs throughout the movie. Don't get me wrong, Bad Moms was funny. I enjoyed myself the whole time, even if I was a little uncomfortable that my mom was right next to me. This movie did have flaws. Some people could have found this movie a little draggy, and not all of the jokes work. My biggest flaw was actually a character played by Kathryn Hahn. I've seen her in other roles playing almost the same character. Most of the time it was very over the top and didn't provide any original humor, mostly revolving around overly sexual jokes. Sometimes it worked, mostly it didn't. Another problem I had were the kids. If you already don't like kids in movies, you'll definitely hate Amy's(Mila) children. Other than that, and the predictable ending, I really enjoyed Bad Moms, and I would recommend seeing it as long as you're okay with crude humor, and lots of swearing. I would rate this movie a B-.
I think I'm going to review the show "Stranger Things", and "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane" pretty soon, so be sure to check those out whenever I get those out. Thanks for reading. :)Dude real talk, if I have any grammar issues just call me out and I'll correct it.I don't really proofread. Thanks brosiahs.
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